Grandmother of 11-month Halo Branton defends daughter charged with murder

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The tragic death of Halo R. Branton, an 11-month-old baby, has been followed by many in Schenectady and beyond, as family is left heartbroken, searching for answers. As the grandmother, Debby Virella, struggles to come to terms of the tragic death of her granddaughter and the arrest of her own daughter, Persia Nelson, who was charged with the murder of the infant.

The Heartbreaking Discovery

Halo was discovered in horrendous condition the night of March 9. The infant was found in a cold, watery implement shed, eight feet (2.5 meters) beneath the floor of the General Electric plant in Schenectady. Halo died of exposure and hypothermia, but Nelson was found in a heated room in the plant and appeared disoriented and not aware of her surroundings, Miles said. The next day Schenectady police found Halo’s dead body after the 12-hour long search, and she was raced to Ellis Hospital in an ambulance, but attempts to save her were unsuccessful.

Charges and Legal Proceedings

Charges against Nelson includes second-degree murder, manslaughter in Halo’s death She remains in the general population at the Schenectady County Jail, so is unable to attend her daughter’s funeral. Nelson is being held as his case plays out, and is represented by Schenectady County Public Defender Stephen Signore, will be arraigned later. A grand jury already took some action on the case, adding to the already straining attention of the community in the issue.

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Virella stopped in Schenectady for Halo’s funeral, she lives in the South. She said softly, calmly, as though she couldn’t quite believe it and it hurt too much to be surprised about it. It hasn’t hit me yet, I’m still trying to put it all together,” Virella said. It is an unfair mischaracterization of her daughter by people who do not know her, she said. According to her mother, Nelson, who also has a 4-year-old son residing with his dad in Hudson, Columbia County – where Nelson spent half her life before moving to Troy – is a “devoted, loving mom” who would never hurt her children.

Seeking the Truth

The events that transpire are just about the darkest that I can imagine, and Virella is dead set on discovering the truth. In an Instagram post, she lamented the rumor and social media trial and called out people who make definitive judgments without firsthand knowledge. “Some random people are just talking s–t, weren’t there, don’t know what happened but their first move is to make this a spectacle like a TV show,” Virella said. She is determined to get to the bottom of what actually happened because she believes what happened that day was totally contrary to who her daughter is.

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Virella described her final conversation with Nelson, which took place that morning of March 9 through a video call. He (Nelson) is in good spirits, he was just going to have a barbie and he said he would ring back later. The shocking and unexpected twist that played out only days later left Virella frozen in her tracks. Reliving her wonderful moments with Halo, she waxed lyrical about her daughter, saying: “My little angel baby, Halo, they’re so adorable, they bring so much joy into your life.

Social Media Mystery

Questions surround whether Nelson made a Facebook post the evening of March 9 that included obscenities amid the excitement. The post said, “drunk asf dont play with me rn lmfaooo,” and sparked Virella to think it was fake, but realized something was up. But she is unconvinced and still looks for answers, convinced the posts are incongruous with her daughter.

Praying for Answers

While those cannot even imagine what being in the shoes of the Virellas is like Virella and her daughter are praying the world will reveal the answers to their prayers. Virella, who has talked to Nelson in jail but has avoided discussion of the criminal case, She said Nelson is “hanging in there,” relying on his faith throughout the tough ordeal. Virella wants to find out what went wrong, and to hold it all up to light.

Community and Media Reaction

The incident has set alarm bells ringing amongst influencers and media. On social media, some have also been offering up various theories, with only a layman’s knowledge of the facts. This only serves to increase Virella’s frustrations, who is trying to defend the reputation of her daughter and have an impartial and proper investigation take place.


Though she is faced with burying her granddaughter, Virella continues to aggressively seek the truth. She lives for her family and the memory of Halo, a sweet, innocent little girl taken before her time. The family and friends are asking that the community surround them in support and prayers as they struggle to understand and seek justice for little Halo R. Branton.

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